Blog /everyone panic: the building's on fire... maybe

January 11, 2004 08:32 +0000  |  Miscellaneous 1

at about 2:30am the fire alarm went off in my building. a loud, blistering noise not fit for this earth. it would appear that my building was on fire and we had to vacate immediately... from my 21st floor apartment. bits of clothing were thrown about in an effort to secure a sustained level of acceptable warmth in the -20degree weather outside... and what about insurace??? i don't have any! we walked down all 21 flights of stairs to find only 5% of the building residents waiting downstairs... the rest apparently sleeping through the ungodly noise unfit for this earth.

it was then we decided to go for pizza. this would likely take a while.

after pizza @amato down the street, we returned and chatted with the building manager. apparently some pipes downstairs had frozen and burst, filling the corridor downstairs with 3 feet of water... hot water. water so hot that the steam set off the fire alarm and the chaos ensued.... i would imagine that the whole episode would have been upsetting had we actually been sleeping.


12 Jan 2004, 1:51 p.m.  | 

Wow, sounds annoying! I'm glad it didn't happen to me... wait, it did happen to me. ;)

Miss you already.

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