Blog /'Canadian Pride' (At Grandma's Request)

February 04, 2010 19:03 +0000  |  Canada Family Nationalism The United States 3

My grandmother just sent this to me with the added request that I distribute it to those in my own networks. I can agree with the sentiment and so I'm doing just that. It's about time that Canadians recognised that our place in this world is more than "America's Hat":

I am old enough to remember when the Great Lakes St. Lawrence Seaway was debated and ultimately opened to navigation in 1959. Construction of the 306 km. stretch of the Seaway between Montreal and Lake Ontario is recognized as one of the most challenging engineering feats in history.

Discussion with the U.S. had been ongoing over the past thirty years but in the end they decided not to participate in such a major undertaking. Canadian public opinion was pushing our politicians to go it alone and in July , 1951 Premier Frost of Ontario publicly asked the United States to “Please, get out of the way and let us get on with the job.” The Federal Government followed within days and announced we would build the St. Lawrence Seaway. It was a time of Canadian pride. The United States then decided that they would participate in the building of the Seaway and the project went ahead.

I tell this story because I wonder where our Canadian pride has gone. We were a much smaller nation in the 1950’s but we felt we could do it. Now it seems we must ask the U.S. to make our policy on climate change, auto emissions etc.

Shirley Quinn,
Armstrong, B.C.


4 Feb 2010, 9:03 p.m.  | 

I'm not often partisan, but I can tell you where Canadian pride ain't. It starts with S and rhymes with "sharper."

Gil Penalosa makes me strident!

5 Feb 2010, 12:01 a.m.  | 

Thanks for this.

7 Feb 2010, 10 p.m.  | 

Thanks for the post..I remember as a young boy sitting in your Grandmas house in Rosemere and listening with awe the pride not only she had in Canada; but all of the Family at the time had and we would talk about our proud Nation...... unfortunately the current "Canada Pride" meter is at a low point. We have become a nation that seems not to care ....shame.

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