Blog /3months From Toronto

December 12, 2007 08:31 +0000  |  Moving Toronto Vancouver 3

It's hard to believe it sometimes, but I just realised it today. It's been 3months since I left Toronto. Not that I've had time to settle of course. Only one month here in Vancouver, and while I'm well on my way, I'm no where near "settled"... won't be for some time I think.

The Vancouver Public Library

Adjustments have been tough too. Sure it's still Canada but Vancouver is a very different place... at least for me. I've had to move back into the life I left, crowbar the new me into the old me's social circle. Some people still fit, others don't. And family... well we're always family, but it's taking them some time to get used to who I am now and not fixate on who I was when I left.

Living with the grandparents has been entertaining though. Aside from the fact that they're unapologetic racists, I've had pleasure of trying to explain to my grandfather that the reason his computer crashes with this program has performed an illegal action when he's looking at certain sites is not because they are trying to prevent it, but rather that his computer is running Windows 98 and is over 12years old.

I've also been able to "come out" to my grandparents with regard to my religious leanings. Until now, they were the only members of the family who didn't know that I was pagan and strangely enough, I was able to have a quiet, civilised conversation with my grandmother about it. She's Orthodox Christian, therefore she's not big on evangelism, so it was easier than one might think.

My grandfather still thinks I'm crazy for not believing in his god though, but he likes talking to the Jehovah's Witnesses so I don't take him too seriously :-)

For the most part though, I'm glad to be back. It's hard to explain, but the feeling I get when I tell someone that I'm going to the Vancouver Public Library is pretty great. It's a hell of a thing to live in a city with so much beauty. Seriously, Toronto people: come visit, see what I'm raving about.


Carla Mae
12 Dec 2007, 10:46 p.m.  | 

Well I'm glad that you're having a ball being back home. But it doesn't change the fact that we all miss you. >_<

13 Dec 2007, 12:52 p.m.  | 

Toronto is till wayyyyy cooler. *sticks her tongue out* We're getting three inches of snow today!

22 Dec 2007, 5:33 p.m.  | 

Visiting Vancouver would be a lot easier if it didn't have to also involve being harangued by all my relatives. I want to go there in spring or summer for my vacation time but I know that if I do I won't feel like I've had a vacation at all. :(

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