Blog /Rome and Pompeii Pictures Up

November 03, 2007 17:22 +0000  |  Italy 'Round-the-World Travel 9

I know that I've fallen behind with the blogging. Shawna's promised me some time to myself this coming week though so I should be able to catch up. I still have to post about my last week in Rome and this past week in Yeosu. It's been interesting I assure you.

For now though, you'll have to make due with my pictures from Rome and Pompeii as well as a second set from Florence (with my Dad). Check back soon for details etc.


4 Nov 2007, 3:01 a.m.  | 

if we don't get an update soon, I'm calling the blogging police.

Det. Bloggy McBloggerson
6 Nov 2007, 1:36 a.m.  | 


Do I need to write you a ticket?

Janine Sebastian
6 Nov 2007, 4:06 a.m.  | 

Hey, I know you're coming home on the 14th, but where will you be then? Your grandparents? Your parents in Kelowna?

7 Nov 2007, 8:16 a.m.  | 

My grandparents in Delta will be putting me up until I can find a place of my own and a means by which to pay for it. I'd like to see everyone when I get back though for a fooding at White Spot if you're at all inclined... I missed that place... and all of you :-)

Janine Sebastian
8 Nov 2007, 3 a.m.  | 

I love your grandparents! I don't think I've ever managed to go more than 5 minutes in that house without being sat down, made welcome, and fed... whether I wanted to be or not. *g*

May I remind ya that I currently work for White Spot and can get the whole table a discount... as long as you remind me to bring my employee card.
And we now live right on a major bus route that actually has busses run regularly! (Yeah, I was shocked too. It's a good thing the car didn't die when we lived at the old house...)

8 Nov 2007, 3:03 a.m.  | 

Yay! That means I can visit without too much pain! I won't be buying a car when I get to BC, so I'll be bound to transit for as long as I'm there... Langley (tear, tear) will likely be pretty tough, but if you're on a major route, I'll probably be able to visit often :-)

Janine Sebastian
8 Nov 2007, 7:21 a.m.  | 

As I'm now carless and bound to translink too...

9 Nov 2007, 1:21 a.m.  | 

Yay! (no, that isn't sarcasm)

Janine Sebastian
11 Nov 2007, 2:12 a.m.  | 

It wasn't exactly by choice...
Actually that's what I've got to do Mon & Tues... cancel my insurance and get the Kidney foundation to take my car's dead carcass away.

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