Blog /Lost in Vancouver

May 30, 2009 19:30 +0000  |  Multiculturalism Vancouver Vancouver Public Space Network 4

I had a rather confusing experience last night that caused me to rethink a lot of the assumptions I'd made about this city.

Poesy and I had spent the evening in Chinatown's night market and were waiting at Terminal station to go our separate ways when an older gentleman appropached us and in very broken English asked us if we knew where he might find a hotel.

After some thinking on our part, we decided that the closest one we could think of was the Sandman near Stadium station and given the man's sketchy understanding of the local language as well of the area, I offered to take him there myself. It was sort of on my way anyway.

But this post isn't about Good deeds for strangers, it's about what it's like for tourists to try to experience this city and more to the point, what we can expect in 2010 when the world comes to our door.

This city is an embarrassment in the area of tourism. The transit system aside, just finding an intersection in this city is near impossible without accosting strangers, and in many cases, the strangers are hesitant to stop and help given their past unpleasant experiences with panhandlers.

There are so few wayfinding maps in Vancouver and a complete absence of them available in any other language but English. There are no tourism kiosks anywhere, especially after 5pm and all of this means that something as simple as finding a place to crash for the night becomes increadibly difficult -- even if English is your first language.

As someone who's done a reasonable amount of travelling in countries where he spoke even less of the local tongue than the aforementioned visitor, I can assure you that none of the places I visited, with the exception of Yeosu, Korea (a tiny town in a moncultural, insular country) did a poorer job of helping tourists than this one.

Now here's the kicker: the man who was curious about Vancouver and came here to experience this beautiful city but couldn't even find a place to sleep wasn't from Poland or even France. He was from this country, a little town east of Quebec City. In a nation that prides itself on having two official languages and in a city that claims to be multicultural this is very, very sad.

I'm open to suggestions here. Melanie has a plan to make wayfinding on Skytrain easier by creating (actually useful) route maps and pasting them up all over the place, but I'd like to hear some more ideas about how we could help guests like this man in the future. I'll bring these ideas to the next Mapping & Wayfinding VPSN working group.


7 Jun 2009, 7:39 p.m.  | 

Most people have cellphones. In Korea there are ads with a number to call for a free translation service. I've never called and just assuming they are legit...Setting something like that up wouldn't be so hard, in theory. Just have a number that forwards to a few different phones based on which language a person needs. Have some volunteers make themselves available (ones who speak various languages, hopefully French wouldn't be so hard) and who either have internet access to maps or a decent knowledge of the city. I wonder if the Vancouver Olympics Committee has decided on anything like that. I've taken a brief look at their website, but there doesn't seem to be a mention of how they will welcome a large influx of tourists from all over the world. I doubt one can expect all of them to speak English...

Susan aka spammer
7 Jun 2009, 7:41 p.m.  | 

spam spam spam!

ham ham ham!

sam sam sam!

lamb lamb lamb!

fan fan fan! (which is a swearword in Finnish)

can can can!

....please don't post this...Dan Dan Dan!

Poesy Dirtyfoot
24 Jun 2009, 10:10 p.m.  | 

who is this posey person of whom you speak? *tease* I agree with you. I felt for that guy and worried that his disorientation would land him in hot water. I appreciate that you handled the situation with grace and care.

25 Jun 2009, 8:37 a.m.  | 

Shit Poesy, I'm sorry, I keep inverting those letters in your name. All fixt now :-)

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