Blog /Kingsday

April 27, 2015 11:19 +0000  |  Netherlands 1

Today is Kingsday, the day when Amsterdam turns into an orange urban nightmare. Traditionally, we've managed to get the hell out of town for this weekend, but as Christina is rounding the final stretch of her PhD, leaving town for a long weekend is no longer an option for her.

So I'm here, holed up in our apartment, the Dutch chaos bubbling outside. It's hard for me to describe this to someone who's never seen it, so instead, I offer you this YouTube video.


28 Apr 2015, 2:23 a.m.  | 

Actually looks kinda fun.... everyone dressed up and from afar, looking like a bunch of carrots. :) Is it their version of Queen Vic day or St. Patrick's Day (instead of green, it's orange)?

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