Blog /cloudy

September 13, 2005 03:07 +0000  |  Personal Life 2

i've been feeling "cloudy" lately. that's the best word i have for it. i'm completely unmotivated, which doesn't help when i'm faced with that Big Idea i had a week or so ago and what's worse, i find myself committing retail therapy far more often than can safely be considered healthy. (like it's ever healthy). some days i feel as though i'm empty and need to be filled up, and other days i feel like a rudderless boat cast adrift on a foggy sea.

it is in this state that i went out with lara for dinner last night and consumed a great deal of pub food. it's funny, as sensitive as she is, i find myself telling her everything about my life -- even the parts i don't want to tell anyone. sometimes i think it's to see if i get a reaction out of her, and other times i think it's because i know she's not the judgemental type. regardless, i think i dump too much on her sometimes, and i'm thankful for her patience.

this cloudiness is really starting to disturb me though. i can't concentrate on anything. if i do, it's only temporary (an hour, maybe two) and then i'm lost. eating healthier hasn't produced any positive results and so i'm starting to wonder what the hell is wrong with me.


13 Sep 2005, 6:28 p.m.  | 

I don't feel dumped upon at all. Feel free to talk to me as much as you want, whenever you need to.

13 Sep 2005, 6:29 p.m.  | 

thanks ;-)

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