Blog /Appreciation

April 27, 2009 01:24 +0000  |  CBC Green Party Politics Provincial Campaign 2009 Why I'm Here 2

I received the most wonderful email from a voter in my riding yesterday and I just had to share it so here it is, published with permission:

Hello Mr. Quinn

I basically just wanted to say thanks for running in the provincial election so I can vote for somebody I actually want to vote for, rather than just choosing the lesser of two evils.

Love the CBC T-shirt. Classic, classic, classic.

She is of course, referring to my pic on my bio page on the Green Party website. I responded with a resounding thankyou, a request to re-post her message and a link to CBC Shop where she could buy one of her own :-)

Sometimes, politics can be really quite personal, and fun.


27 Apr 2009, 8:32 a.m.  | 

i am still really loving that you are doing this...i hope you win!

28 Apr 2009, 2:29 p.m.  | 

Always niceto get positive feedback.......My political astute young Cousin !!

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